Welcome to MOOS-Drivers!
The open repository for all MOOS drivers and interfaces.
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MOOS (Multi-Objective Operating Suite) is a middleware made for robotics by roboticists.


MOOS is one of the most light-weight middlewares available.


Works on Mac, Windows, and Linux (and embedded).

Easy to learn

All you need to know is a little C++ (other language bindings exist).

Drivers & Interfaces

Get what you need for your next robotic project.

GPS receiver interface

Serial Sensors

Default Driver

AppCasting, Driver, Base, Generator


The history of MOOS drivers.

  • 2001


    Back in the days, Paul Newman and Mike Benjamin were two talented PhD students that wanted their code to be reused easily. They created the MOOS (Multi-Objective Operating Suite) middleware and IvP (Interval Programming) autonomy suite.

  • 2011


    Ten years after the original version, MOOS core gets a refresh with faster performances and added stability. In the benchmark, MOOS beats the most known robotic middlewares.

  • December 2015

    MOOS-Drivers is born

    With an ever increasing number of sensors on today’s robots, a one-stop place to get the necessary sensors interface for your next project makes a lot of sense. MOOS-drivers community is created to tackle this particular problem.

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Our amazing team

Open-source MOOS-Drivers community.


Roboticist, Enthusiast, Hacker

MOOS-Drivers is an open-source community where everybody can create his own interface and contribute to already existing interfaces and drivers.

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